For the New Export Destination window, select OCLC Gateway Export.
Click Ok.
Fill in the following settings.
Host Name:
Port: 5500
Check mark the “Send Local System Logon Id and Password” to type in login information.
Logon Id: 01UTEP_INST
Password: Request password from Virginia Rassaei or Joy Urbina
Click Ok.
Will ask you to confirm name of gateway. Click Ok
Click on Field Export Options.
Add 029 to Bibliographic Records. Click Ok.
Note: if there is a field you consistently delete before exporting a record or delete from the system after export, you can add that field here. 029 if the main one that no one consistently needs department wide.
Click Apply before closing the Options window.
Procedure to Add, Change, or Delete OCLC Authorizations
The immediate supervisor of the staff in need of updated access, new account or remove access will fill out the OCLC Access & Authorization Online Form.
The immediate supervisor will also update the master authorization file and date on file on the following link, but it should also be shared with you in your OneDrive account.
If that supervisor needs assistance, they should contact Lisa Borden, Joy Urbina, or Virginia Rassaei for assistance.
Technical support for OCLC can be requested and reviewed with Lisa Borden and Joy Urbina to determine how to proceed.
Instructions for how to add, change or delete OCLC Cataloging Authorizations