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Library Collection Development Procedures: Approval Plan

Policies, guidelines, and forms for subject specialists doing collection development

What is the Approval Plan?

We have a library collection profile on file with YBP (Yankee Book Peddler) that determines the selection of books and notifications that we receive. The approval profile also drives our DDA (demand-driven acquisitions) plan. It is arranged by LC Classification, and each specific range of numbers is noted B (send Book), S (send Slip), or X (no book, no slip). Many non-subject parameters also inform the selection, such as language, format, or academic level. The profile is reviewed and edited annually by the subject selectors, faculty liaisons, Collection Development Librarian, and YBP representative. You can see the full plan at the link below. Log in to YBP and look under the Library tab.

Monitoring the Approval Plan

Historically, the books and slips we receive on the Approval Plan have been close to 100% on target, so we can be confident that the books and slips we are getting are appropriate for our collection.

Since books are not received automatically for some subjects since we started the DDA (demand driven acquisitions) program, selectors should create and review lists of new slips on a regular basis (every 2 weeks or every month). In this list, it is a good idea to exclude e-books, since most of the e-books will have been sent with the DDA report. Look for hardcover books that are not available as e-books. Scan them to ensure that they are appropriate to your discipline. Edit the list if necessary and send it to your faculty liaison or faculty members. Sometimes you or a faculty member might notice that there are a lot of slips coming for books on a topic of little interest, or that no slips are appearing for a topic of great interest. This should alert you to review the approval plan.

As the faculty and programs in your department change and develop, review the Approval Plan to ensure that the LC Classifications of topics are correctly coded. Is a topic coded "Book" that is no longer taught? Consider changing it to "Slip". Is a topic now taught that was not taught before? Consider changing it from "X" or "Slip" to "Book".  You should share and discuss the Approval Plan for your discipline with your faculty liaison, and that person will be invited to attend the review session with the YBP representative.

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