This guide contains policies, procedures, and forms to assist librarians in collection development at the University Library. Please address any questions or corrections to the Interim Dean of the Library, Harvey Castellano @
Collection Development Policy
1. Introduction
The University Library recognizes its responsibility to provide a diverse and comprehensive collection of resources to support the academic, research, and recreational needs of its students, faculty, and staff. As a library primarily funded by student fees, we are committed to transparency, collaboration, and responsiveness to the evolving needs of our community.
2. Objectives
3. Selection Criteria
Materials will be selected for inclusion in the library's collection based on the following criteria:
4. Collection Scope
The library's collection will encompass a variety of formats and subjects, including but not limited to:
5. Acquisitions Process
The library will employ a collaborative approach to collection development, involving input from subject librarians, faculty, students, and other stakeholders. Materials and resources will be selected that support the curriculum of the academic programs offered at UTEP.
Purchases will be made through established vendors and publishers, with a focus on securing favorable pricing and licensing terms. Donations of materials will be accepted in accordance with the library's collection development policy and guidelines.
6. Review and Evaluation
The library will regularly assess the relevance, usage, and condition of materials in its collection through qualitative and quantitative measures. Feedback from users, faculty surveys, circulation statistics, and other assessment tools will inform decision-making regarding retention, replacement, or deselection of items.
7. Access and Copyright
The library will uphold the principles of fair use and copyright compliance in providing access to materials for educational and research purposes. Licensed electronic resources will be made available to authorized users in accordance with contractual agreements and copyright laws.
8. Revision and Amendments
This collection development policy will be reviewed periodically by library administration and stakeholders to ensure its continued effectiveness and alignment with the university's mission and goals. Amendments may be proposed and adopted as needed to reflect changes in the academic landscape, technological advancements, or community needs.
9. Adoption and Dissemination
This policy will be made accessible on the library's website and in print format upon request.
10. Access to Materials
The library will provide open access to its collection whenever possible. Materials that are not in high demand may be placed in off-site storage but will still be accessible to students and faculty upon request.
11. Funding
The library's collection development budget is primarily derived from student fees. The library will also seek grant funding and donations to support the acquisition of new materials.
12. Conclusion
The university library is committed to fostering a dynamic and inclusive learning environment through the thoughtful selection, management, and provision of information resources. This collection development policy serves as a guiding framework for our ongoing efforts to meet the evolving needs of our diverse community.
For additional information on procedures on selection and weeding, see the Discovery Services Procedures guide.
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |