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H.O.P.E.+ Initiative

Manual to create a health fair

Budget for the event

Before getting to the actual planning of the event, identify available funds. Will your group or institution be able to provide funds? Is this completely self-funded, if so, what assets are available? Do your collaborators or partners have any funds to use for the event? If you do not count on any funds, you can still achieve a successful health fair. However, it is important that you know the budget to know what things you will be able to provide and what you what things you will need to search for in the form of donations or agency support. During this step, you can also think of options to apply for grants and funding.  Are there local, state, or federal-level organizations, institutions, or nonprofit agencies that have an interest in your work and provide funds? 

H.O.P.E.+ examples: During our early health fairs, we primarily utilized the support of our agencies and collaborators to set up the health fairs. As the community’s interest and our search for a greater impact grew, we began looking for a grant to organize bigger and more frequent health fairs. We identified Direct Relief, a nonprofit humanitarian organization, as an avenue for funding. We were fortunate to receive a grant and continue doing important work for the community.  

500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672
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