What kind of report am I running? What does the data mean?
In the DemographicsNow database, click on Help & Info button (top right of screen)
Next, select Data Methodology (this will give you a popup window)
Select Demographics Report Guide (This will give you a glossary of report types, with descriptions of what type of data was collected. It will tell you what the numbers mean: e.g., people, households, places, etc.)
Creating a Map Report
1. Go to DemographicsNow: Library Edition (Gale)
2. Click on the maps tab.
3. In the Thematic Controls box, click on the variable dropdown list and select More variables...
4. Select a variable: For example, these selections...
-Basic variables (Folder)
- Business Summary (Folder)
- Transportation, Communications, Electric, gas, & Sanitary Services (Folder)
- Housing Units (Folder)/ Units in Structure (Subfolder)/ Housing Units, Mobile Home
Vehicles Available (Subfolder)
Click OK.
5. In the Enter Geography (city, state, zip, address, etc.) box, enter a geographic region.
Click enter; it will give you a list of places to select from.
Select your place by clicking on it.
6. In the Mapping Tools box, activate the Thematic Layer checkbox.
When you scroll down a bit in this box, it will give you color coded ranges.
* To interpret the data, see the Demographics Report Guide (the instructions on how to get this are above)
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