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Communication Studies - Dr. Yang: Demographics Now (Gale)

A library orientation guide.


Use this tab section with dropdown listings to find out how to do specific searches using the DemographicsNow database.


Database description: DemographicsNow provides the means to analyze the demographic and market potential of any geographical area in the United States.

Features include the ability to create custom reports, perform market analyses, create fully-interactive maps, create radius-based maps and reports, and create summary as well as comparison reports. Includes access to 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 U.S. Census data as well as Experian/Applied Geographic Solutions (AGS) current year estimates and five-year projections. Reports include many demographic variables such as socioeconomic status, employment, mobility, and more.


Coverage: 1980- Present

How to find Demographics Now

There is more than one way to find this database. For a precise search, let's look up this database by name. Starting from the UTEP Library homepage, we will use the Articles & Databases tab.


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