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Communication Studies - Dr. Yang: Advertising Campaigns

A library orientation guide.

Integrated Marketing Campaigns

Unfortunately, there is no one-stop shop database in the UTEP Library catalog which will give you detailed information on Integrated Marketing/Advertising Campaigns. However, try LexisNexis Academic (see the Marketing Campaigns tab for this database, located in this library guide).


For example, you might not find a report with sections which detail:


- A company’s positioning statement [A positioning statement is an expression of how a given product, service or brand fills a particular consumer need in a way that its competitors don't. Positioning is the process of identifying an appropriate market niche for a product (or service or brand) and getting it established in that area.]

- Creative marketing/advertising strategies;

- Media Strategies.


However, you can collect data from various sources to get at the answers, for example:


- For a company’s positioning statement, try finding a 10-K report or an Annual Report to Investors in a company’s website. There are usually statements about the company as a brand and where/how it fits into the market. Also, you can find a 10-k report in a database like Mergent Online.

- To find a company’s Creative marketing/advertising strategies, try finding a try finding a 10-K report or an Annual Report to Investors. You might find promotions and marketing information here. Also, try to find newspaper/magazine articles and reviews in databases like Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, or Online magazine like Ad Age, through the UTEP Library online catalog.

- To find a company’s Media Strategies, try finding a 10-K report or an Annual Report to Investors. There might be a section on advertising costs, broken down by type: radio, television, etc. Also, try to find articles related to certain products and services. Look for newspaper/magazine articles and reviews in databases like Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, or Online magazine like Ad Age, through the UTEP Library online catalog.

Also Try:




Use Dow Jones Factiva  for finding the Wall Street Journal (coverage 1979- present).

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