Provides comprehensive coverage for global business and financial research. Includes current and archival data for both active and inactive U.S. and non-U.S. public companies. Detailed company information includes corporate histories, annual reports, financial statements, property, joint ventures, subsidiaries, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, executives, long-term debt, capital stock, ratios, and bond ratings. Also includes news headlines, SEC filings for U.S. public companies, and country statistical profiles. NOTE: Additional subscribed modules include: FIS Annuals (both U.S. and International), Holdings/Company Archives, Industry Report Service, Equity Pricing, Mergent Equity Research Reports, D&B Global Private Company Database, Standardized Financial Data, and Executive Biographies.
Industry Analysis/Reports - Search By Company
You can find industry analysis reports by searching by company.
For example: Let's search for Apple Inc.
1. Type in "Apple In." into the Company Search box:
2. Next, in the Company Details tab (see letter a), click on Business Segments (see letter b).
This will give you lots of data and pie charts of geographic markets.