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Systems Engineering Fundamentals MSSE5341: Online Resources

Introduction to and discussion of the key concepts, processes, and process activities carried out by systems engineers.

Welcome to online resources

Sources such as E-books, technical reports (relating to Systems Engineering), procedures to access standards, sites for organizations and associations are available in this section. You can also get access to various online resources in Databases section of this Libguide.

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Dr. Bill Tseng from IMSE Department has recently established an Intelligent Systems Engineering Laboratory (ISEL) through the Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education (PACE) program, which is sponsored by GM, Sun Microsystems, UGS, and MSC. The ISEL is also supported by National Science Foundation (NSF), and Department of Education (DoEd). The laboratory contains some advanced form of technologies in the areas of interactive virtual reality, web-based process monitoring and control systems. The ISEL supports and enhances research across a broad spectrum of disciplines. This lab is a 600 ftfacility, which is equipped with YAMAHA SCARA Robots with high resolution machine vision systems, Stratasys FDM 3000 Rapid Prototype Machine, one high speed computing Sun server, nine HP XW 4300 Workstations, two HP XW 4600 Workstations, one large scale printer and a high end TANDBERG 990 MXP video conference system. For more information, please check ISEL website here or contact Dr. Bill Tseng

Note: Part of the information about ISEL is retrieved from ISEL website.

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