The University of Texas at El Paso
University Connect
Department of Communication
COMM 4323: Case Studies in Public Relations
CRN: 35158
Required Materials:
All resources required for this course are available as a Library Guide through UTEPs Library.
Please check the course’s blackboard page to access the readings.
Instructor: MBA/MA Eli Garcia Email:
Office: COTTON 205 Phone: (915) 747- 5310
Office hours: by appointment
Course Description:
This course studies the role of public relations in organizational problem solving practices. Through the analysis of real–life cases you will study how the functions of public relations help manage and reconcile the conflicts/challenges that arise between an organization and its diverse stakeholders.
Course Learning Objectives:
• Examine the role of public relations in organizational problem solving practices
• Identify the roles of communication strategies in organizational public relations plan
• Analyze real-life case studies
• Compare and contrast different organizational public relations situations
Technology Requirements
This course is presented in the Blackboard learning management system.
To ensure your success in accessing your course materials and completing your assignments, it is recommended that you ensure your computer setup for this class meets the following minimum requirements:
1. Broadband Internet connection, such as cable or DSL
2. A modern computer (PC or Mac), no more than four years old, with the following
minimum configuration:
Tech Support:
The University of Texas at El Paso offers complete technical information and online help desk support at
Weekly Discussions (8 @ 50 points each, due weekly):
Every week we will discuss a series of different topics related to the course’s material. This is a great opportunity to share your perspectives on the PR strategies applied in each of the case studies that we will analyze through our course. You will be asked to post an initial response to the week’s discussion question/s and then post 2 replies to classmates. As always, the golden rule of public relation applies: all postings should be professional, respectful and relevant to the focus of the discussion.
Your postings and replies will be graded based on the following rubric:
Excellent – 40 Points |
Good – 32 Points |
Acceptable – 24 Points |
Unsatisfactory – 16 points or less |
Initial Response |
Initial reply was posted on time, meets the length requirement, and directly answers the discussion question(s). Excellent replies often include quotes from reading material. |
Initial reply was posted on time, meets the length requirement, and answers the discussion question(s). |
Initial reply was posted late or does not meet the length requirement. However, the post still directly answers the discussion question(s). |
The initial reply is missing or does not answer the discussion question(s). |
Excellent – 5 Points |
Good – 4 Points |
Acceptable – 3 Points |
Unsatisfactory – 2 points or less |
Peer Response 1 |
First peer reply was posted on time and contributes meaningfully to the discussion by introducing new perspectives. |
First peer reply contributes meaningfully to the discussion. |
First peer reply was late but still contributes to the discussion. |
First peer reply is missing or only states “I agree” or “I disagree” without advancing |
Excellent – 5 Points |
Good – 4 Points |
Acceptable – 3 Points |
Unsatisfactory – 2 points or less |
Peer Response 2 |
Second peer reply was posted on time and contributes meaningfully to the discussion by introducing new perspectives. |
Second peer reply contributes meaningfully to the discussion. |
Second peer reply was late but still contributes to the discussion. |
Second peer reply is missing or only states “I agree” or “I disagree” without advancing the discussion in any way. |
Case Study Written Reports (3@ 150 points each, due week 2,4,6):
You will also have the opportunity to analyze, critique and report on 3 real-life public relations case studies. Case studies will be available through the Library Guide (from the UTEP Library) on your blackboard page.
Please follow the instructions and rubric mentioned below:
PR Case Study Rubric Written Assignment |
150 Total Possible Points |
10 Points |
Case Background Give a short summary of the situation ( cited in APA style) Identify key players in the case study (organizations, executives, media outlets, etc.) |
10 points |
20 points |
Case Analysis (Answers to Case Questions) |
50 points |
30 points |
Best Practices conclusion What did you learn from this case? From a Best Practices approach, what would be your 4 Best Practice recommendations for public relations professionals? |
30 points |
Reflection Paper 1@150 points (due week 7):
You will write a final reflection paper. The purpose of this assignment is to take a moment and analyze how the topics/concepts discussed throughout our course can help you become a more competitive professional in the field of PR.
Please follow the instructions and rubric mentioned below:
Reflect and include the following:
Your paper should include:
Detail |
Format |
Points |
Describe which case study you enjoyed the most and explain why. |
Minimum of three pages in length (excluding cover and reference pages). |
30 |
Describe how the material covered in our course can help you become a more competitive professional communicator/PR professional. |
Introduction, Sections, and Conclusion. |
30 |
Provide three specific examples directly related to how you can apply the PR knowledge learned in class to your chosen professional/academic life. |
Proper citations, as applicable. |
90 |
Total |
150 |
This course is ambitious and requires your active participation. Students can earn up to 1000 points. Grades will be based on the following scale:
A= 1000-900 points
B= 899-800 points
C= 799-700 points
D= 600-699 points
F= 599 points and below
Grade Breakdown: |
Discussions (8 @ 50 points ) = 400 points Case Studies (3 @ 150 points) = 450 points Reflection Paper = 150 points
Total Points = 1000 points |
The instructor reserves the right to make necessary changes in the schedule/calendar/assignments depending on the needs of the class.
Week |
Assignments |
Due |
Points |
Week 1
Discussion 1: Introductions |
Initial Post: Wednesday May 17th, 11:00 PM MST Reply: Saturday May 20th, 11:00 PM MST |
50 |
Week 1
Discussion 2: Key Concepts of Public Relations |
Initial Discussion Post: Thursday May 18th, 11:00 PM MST Replies: Sunday May 21th , 11:00 PM MST |
50 |
Week 2
Discussion: Domino's |
Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday May 24th, 11:00 PM MST Replies: Sunday May 28th, 11:00 PM MST |
50 |
Week 2
Assignment Case Study Domino's |
Assignment Submission: Sunday May 28th, 11:00 PM MST |
150 |
Week 3 |
Discussion: Chipotle |
Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday May 31st 11:00 PM MTS Replies: Sunday June 4th 11:00 PM MTS |
50 |
Week 4
Discussion: Zombies Gone Viral |
Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June 7th 11:00 PM MST Replies: Sunday June11th 11:00 PM MST |
50 |
Week 4
Assignment Case Study: Zombies Gone Viral |
Assignment Submission: Sunday June11th 11:00 PM MST |
150 |
Week 5
Discussion: Orlando Magic |
Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June14th 11:00 PM MST Replies: Sunday June 18th 11:00 PM MST |
50 |
Week 6
Discussion: British Petroleum |
Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June 21th 11:00 PM MST Replies: Sunday June 25th 11:00 PM MST |
50 |
Week 6
Assignment Case Study: BP's Oil Spill |
Assignment Submission: Sunday June 25th MST |
150 |
Week 7
Discussion: The Titanic |
Initial Discussion Post : Wednesday June 28th 11:00 PM MST Replies: Sunday July 2nd 11:00 PM MST |
50 |
Week 7
Assignment: Reflection Paper |
Reflection Paper Submission: Sunday July 2nd MST by 11:00 PM MST |
150 |
What to Expect from the Instructor
The best way to communicate with your instructor is via email. Always include in the subject of your email “Online COMM 4323” When sending an email and your name. All emails will be answered within 48 hrs. Graded assignments will be posted a week after the submission date.
Your active participation extremely important! There will be an opportunity to discuss and interact with classmates through discussion questions and assignments, which will be graded. Please refer to the “Assignments and Grading” sections for discussion questions and assignments’ points and value.
Academic Dishonesty Statement
Academic dishonesty is prohibited and is considered a violation of the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures. It includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion.
Any act of academic dishonesty attempted by a UTEP student is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Violations will be taken seriously and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for possible disciplinary action. Students may be suspended or expelled from UTEP for such actions. You can find more information in the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures, under the heading “Alleged Student Scholastic Dishonesty,” and in the Regents’ Rules and Regulations.
Late Policy
Deadlines for all quizzes, discussion questions and written assignments will be strictly enforced. No quizzes, discussion questions or written assignments will be accepted after deadline. Missing a deadline is equivalent of not doing the assignment. PR professionals must meet strict deadlines. Students are expected to do the same.
Library Information
Access the UTEP Library by visiting
Disability Statement
If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) at 747-5148, or by email at, or visit the office located in UTEP Union East, Room 106. For additional information, please visit the CASS website at Have a great learning experience!
Responsible, Ethical and Effective Electronic Communication
It is important to share a word of caution so we can become wiser about interpersonal distance learning communications. In an online environment, many of the feelings or impressions that are transmitted via body language in face-to-face communications are lost. Consequently, interpreting emotions and innuendos can be difficult. Only what is written, or drawn, carries the message. Often, excitement can be misinterpreted as anger or insult. We all need to keep this in mind as we communicate. Words in print may seem harmless, but they can injure us emotionally when working at a distance. Hence, we must be conscious of how we communicate while working at a distance and use good netiquette, that is, online communication etiquette. For example, your classmates may not know who is posting a comment, so clearly identify yourself when posting to a discussion board. Furthermore, avoid using all capital letters in electronic communication, as all caps come across as shouting. The standard netiquette for participation in networked discussion requires that all comments focus on the topic at hand, without becoming personalized, and be substantive in nature. In other words, you certainly may disagree with others, but you must do so respectfully. You may express strong beliefs or emotions, but you may not get so carried away that you lose all perspective on the course itself. You can find more information on netiquette, the etiquette of Internet communication, at
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |