What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is taking someone else's ideas and/or words and making them yours without providing the source of information.
How can you avoid plagiarism?
Give credit to a direct quote by using quotation marks.
Paraphrase or summarize ideas rather than quoting them verbatim. (Credit still needs to be given to the original source.)
Use in-text citations.
The University Writing Center provides writing assistance to all UTEP students, from freshman to graduate.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association provides detailed guidelines for using APA style. The most recent edition (6th ed. 2010) of the APA Publication Manual is kept at the Reference Desk. The University Library website also provides information on citing electronic sources with APA and other formats.
Evaluating the sources you find is a crucial step in the process of scholarly research. Watch this video created by Cornell Unversity Library to learn how to identify scholarly journal articles.
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