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History 3390 - Deutsch

Research guide for students in History 3390: Jews in Latin America.

Research Design and Writing

Historians rely on primary and secondary sources when conducting research and writing historical works. They also use qualitative and/or quantitative research methods to support their arguments and conclusions.

Here are some sources about research design and writing:

  • Sage Qualitative Data collection
  • Introduction to Research Design
  • Where to Find Archival Data
  • Using Archives: A Guide to Effective Research
  • Using Photographs in Social and Historical Research by Penny Tinkler, Special Collections Reference HM511.T56 2013
  • Historical Research: A Guide by W.H. McDowell, ebook
  • A Concise Companion to History edited by Ulinka Rublack, Main Stacks D13.C663 2011
  • Going to the Sources: A Guide to Historical Research and Writing by Anthony Brundage, Main Stacks D16.B893 2013
  • Research Methods for History edited by Simon Gunn and Lucy Faire, ebook
  • A Short Guide to Writing about History by Richard Marius, Main Stacks D13.M294 2002
  • Historian's Guide to Statistics: Quantitative Analysis and Historical Research by Charles M. Dollar and Richard J. Jensen, Main Stacks HA29.D645
  • Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation: A Step-by-Step Guide by Randy Joyner, William A. Rouse, and Allan A. Glathorn, Main Stacks LB2369.G56 2013
  • The Craft of Research by Wayne C. Booth, ebook
  • The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White, Main Stacks PE1408.S772 1972

Chicago Manual of Style

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