Degrees offered: |
Major in Chicano Studies and Minor with options in Chicano Studies, Social Science, Humanities, or Interdisciplinary Studies and Fine Arts option. |
Number of faculty: |
1Director and 11faculty members with joint appointments from other disciplines. |
Number of majors in the program: |
9 Majors* |
Faculty Liaison: |
Dennis Bixler-Marquez |
Library Subject Specialist: |
Juan A. Sandoval |
Program Director: |
Dennis Bixler-Marquez |
*CIERP major/minor count for Fall, 2010 |
Program Description
The Chicano Studies Program is an interdisciplinary program which offers a variety of courses from a number of disciplines. These courses are designed to provide knowledge about Chicanos; their origins, history, literature, culture and language. A Chicano Studies option related to the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies is currently being considered. Also, 900 students working toward a Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) are required to take two Chicano Studies classes.
Chicano Studies is designed to provide individuals with the opportunity to prepare for: (1) further study in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, law, medicine, engineering and business; (2) careers in community programs and teaching at all levels; and (3) advanced study in Chicano Studies fields. Students may start at the freshman or sophomore level. Most Chicano Studies core courses are cross-listed in the Undergraduate Studies Catalog. Also, the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies within Chicano Studies is offered. Graduate students may take Chicano Studies courses to fulfill the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) requirements.
Description of Existing Collection
NCIP Code: 2b
The existing collection can adequately support the classes offered within the Chicano Studies Program. This collection also supports other academic departments which focus on many aspects of Chicano Studies such as Art, History, Social Work, Theater, Folklore, Political Science, Education, Bilingual Education, Anthropology, Economics, English, Language and Linguistics, Music, Philosophy, Sociology, Spanish, etc.
The LC call numbers range from A to Z, with the bulk of the books actually dealing with Chicanos in the E184 M5 area or in the P area for literature. In essence, Chicano Studies materials can be found within any aspect of human learning; therefore, an attempt is made to collect in any area related to Chicanos or Mexican Americans. In addition to books, children’s books, and media may be included if the subject matter represents Chicanos or if the author is Chicano.
This is a heavily utilized collection which is used not only by students, but by the larger El Paso/Juarez community. Since the collection is available to everyone, it suffers extreme wear and tear. For this reason, many titles, especially if heavy use is anticipated, must be duplicated. In the past, one copy was purchased for the Chicano Collection in Special Collections and one or two copies, if anticipated use warranted it, for the main collection.
Many indexes, electronic and traditional, provide access to Chicano materials. Since Chicano Studies is an interdisciplinary field, researchers draw upon a myriad of resources. Ethnic News Watch, Hispanic American Periodicals Database, First Search, the Chicano Database, etc. support research in this area.
The current emphasis is in both new and retrospective monographs. Titles for this collection are printed in limited editions and are difficult to obtain unless purchased soon after publication.
The Chicano Collection is duplicated and enhanced by Special Collections. The Oral History Collection and the regional materials all support the Chicano Studies program.
Current Collection Intensity:
NCIP Code: 2b
Current budgetary levels do not permit the acquisition of materials at the rate of publication. Many ephemeral and limited edition publications may be missed. Also, the limited budget allows for very little duplication of heavily utilized items.
At present, Chicano Studies materials within the Library can adequately support B.A. and M.A. programs; however, it remains to be seen if the collection continues to grow in a manner which will continue to support the many academic programs which depend upon it.
Updated April 7, 2011.
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |