Creating a Reference List and In-text Citations in Microsoft Word (manually).
Step 1: Select your citation style.
a. Click on the References tab
b. In the Citations & Bibliography section of the References tab, select your citation Style. In this case, I selected APA, 6th edition.
Step 2: Open the Insert Citation dropdown box.
Note: There’s two of these, you want the one in the Citations & Bibliography section of the References tab, not the RefWorks Citation Bibliography section.
Step 3: Select Add New Source.
Step 4: Select what type of source you are creating a citation for from the dropdown menu (e.g., book, journal article, report, etc…)
Step 5: Fill out the information boxes. Then press OK button.
What you get on your paper is the in-text citation for this type of source:
(Librarian, 2016)
Step 6: Once you have entered all your citations, you can enter your reference list.
a. Select Bibliography from the Citations & Bibliography section of the References tab,
b. Select References.
Note: depending on your version of Word, there might be no References option, in which case, select Works Cited or Bibliography, and simply change the title to References.
This creates a reference list from all your citations:
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