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Keeping Abreast of Scholarly Literature in the Sciences and Engineering

Cited Article Search

There are times when you want to know when an article is published: it could be your aricle, a professor's article, or just an article that caught your eye.  Web of Science lets you easily set up an Alert or RSS feed for it.

Chose your article

This will bring up the results of your article search. The more information you have on the article the fewer results you will have.

Both Selecting the article you want and clicking Finish Search and View Record will let you create alerts or RSS feeds

Results and Creating Your Alert

Both methods allow you to create an alert or RSS so that you are notified when the article is citede.  Finish Search will allow you to see what papers have cited the article, and you can gather data from it: which disciplines cite it the most, how often was it cited by year, etc.

View Record allows you to check that it is the correct article.  As with all article records, there is a link to view the articles that cite it, thus, after you have confirmed it is the correct article, you can see which papers have cited the article.

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