To do an author search in Web of Science, enter the last name and first initial of the researcher you want to search. The example is Dr. Zen Faulkes, from the Department of Biology at UTPA.
You then have the option of the selecting research domain(s) in which your author publishes-this can be a very good idea if your author has a common name. However, for some authors, narrowing the domains will eliminate articles by that article. In this case, my chosen author is a biology researcher, which could allow me to limit to just the Life Sciences-Biomedicine--however, he one of his specialties is neurobiology, so the two psychology articles are relevant. If you do not know, do not exclude it.
After that, you choose the institution(s) your author has been affiliated with.
Now you have a list of all of your author's research that is indexed in Web of Science. This is not necessarily a complete list because Web of Science does not index everything. The Alert/RSS button is in the same place as it is in regular subject searches.
Note: Because the example author has a distinctive name, we did not need to use any of the limiters. For very common names, e.g. Gonzalez, Johnston, Martinez, Perez, or Smith, you may need to use all of the limiters.