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Library Resources for University Staff

Library Collections

The University Library has three main collections, which house over 1 million physical and electronic books. The three collections are the Main Stacks, the Browsing Collection, and the Children’s Collection. As a staff member, you can renew your items online up to 3 times. 

Collection Description Loan Period  Checkout limits  
Main Stacks The general collection is located on the fourth and fifth floors of the Library and is arranged by subject. 28 Days 28 books maximum 
Browsing  A collection of current popular fiction and non-fiction, it’s located on the second floor by the Access Services Desk. 28 Days
Children’s Collection It is designed as a teaching collection containing children’s and young adult fiction and non-fiction books. It’s located on the third floor behind the Law Collection. 14 Days

Need help finding a book? Watch the videos below! 

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