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UNIV 1301 - Trevino

Course Guide UNIV 1301 - Trevino

Find Books & Ebooks

Type in your keywords or search terms in the search box. As you type your keywords, the system will display your search terms with a list of the different collections you can limit to. You can search Anything, Articles, Library Catalog, Course Reserves, EBSCO, or Special Collections.

Sample Search:  Find books on global warming, specifically as it relates to greenhouse gases.

Searching the “Library Catalog” collection and refining your search by ‘Search Type—> Books” will retrieve  books and ebooks and exclude articles from your search.

Refining your search by ‘Search Type—> Books” will exclude articles from your search.  You may want to start with a very general search to get an idea of how much material you can expect to find on your topic. 


Use Advanced Searching with Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) to limit/narrow for more precise results.

Use the Advanced Search to limit your keyword search to specific fields like title or author and to narrow your search from the start by material type, language, and publication years.



Sample Search:  Find books on greenhouse gases as it relates to global warming:





Results that are highly relevant are placed at top of the search results. Click on titles to see full details, pin items to your Favorites, and more.  If the item is an electronic resource, the availability link will say that full text is available.  


To limit your results to physical books that you can check-out, refine your results to Held by Library:



The full record provides a “Send to” section that lets you print, get a citation of the book, use a permalink to send to someone else who may also be interested in borrowing the book from the library, email it to yourself, export record to various citation managers such as RefWorks and Endnote, create favorite lists, and more.

Scroll down the page to get more detailed information on the title. If the record is for a book, it should contain the basic bibliographic information for books: title, author/editor, publisher, publication date, edition, and more.


From the results page you have the option to limit your search in multiple ways using “Refine your results” located on the left column.


The easiest way to search for a specific book title is to type the book title in the main search box.  Generally, if we hold the title, it will appear at the very top of the list.  However, the basic search will also retrieve all types of material, e.i. books, reviews, articles, reference entries, and other. Be careful not to mistake book reviews with the actual book.

Sample search: Search for a book with the title Digital Marketing: a Practical Approach

A more precise search would be the following:


You can also use an Advanced Search for a more precise search as shown below:

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