This guide highlights resources on the African American experience, including topics such as Black Women in America, the Black Church in America and the Power of Black Music.
Comprehensive bibliographic index for multidisciplinary literature. Formats indexed include books, newspapers, and magazines, as well as scholarly and peer-reviewed journals. Subject coverage includes social sciences, arts and humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, health sciences, multicultural studies, and many more. Most citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. This database is made possible by TexShare.
Provides indexing and abstracts for international music and performing arts periodicals, plus complete full text articles for many scholarly journals. Subject coverage includes a variety of topics in the field of music including performance, theory and composition, music education, jazz, and ethnomusicology.
Formerly The Music Index Online provided by Harmonie Park Press, this comprehensive bibliographic database, including abstracts, provides both cover-to-cover and selective indexing for articles derived from periodicals and scholarly literature about classical and popular music, musicians, and the music industry. Publications indexed include academic journals, magazines, trade publications, book reviews, obituaries, and news.
Provides complete full-text access to an archive of back issues of selected scholarly journals from the following subscribed collections: Arts & Sciences (I - XI), Life Sciences, and Ireland. Subject coverage includes: African and African American Studies, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art and art history, Asian Studies, biology, botany, British Studies, business, classical studies, economics, education, film studies, finance, folklore, geography, health sciences, history, Ireland, Jewish Studies, language and literature, Latin American Studies, law, linguistics, mathematics, Middle East Studies, music, paleontology, performing arts, philosophy, political science, psychology, public administration, religion, science, Slavic Studies, sociology, Women's Studies, statistics and zoology. Other types of publications indexed include monographs, pamphlets, images, and manuscripts.
Provides access to a comprehensive collection of classical music as well as selections from other genres, including jazz, blues, folk, new age, world music, and more. Includes the complete Naxos, Marco Polo, and Da Capo catalogs plus selected titles from other labels. Most recordings are accompanied by printable scholarly notes written my musicologists. Limited to 10 concurrent users.
Integrated gateway that allows for the cross-searching of full text music reference publications from both Grove and Oxford, including: Grove Music Online, Oxford Dictionary of Music, and Oxford Companion to Music.
Full text available from JSTOR: 01/01/1980 to 10/27/2011
Full text available from International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) Full Text: 04/01/2004 to present
Full text available from Project MUSE: 2010 to present
Provides online access to a wide selection of award-winning international documentaries from the Filmakers Library in streaming video format. Subject coverage includes race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more. NOTE: Initial release provides access to over 900 titles.
State-of-the-art streaming video platform produced by the Films Media Group (FMG), composed of Films for the Humanities and Sciences, Cambridge Educational, Meridian Education, and Shopware. Streaming video content, ranging from clips to complete documentary films, may be incorporated into content management systems, online lesson plans, distance learning courseware, or electronic library card catalog systems. Several titles include closed captioning. Subject coverage is multidisciplinary and includes humanities, social sciences, business, economics, science, mathematics, health, medicine, archival films and newsreels, and much more. Updates vary by title with new content added annually.
Provides access to licensed digital streaming video on the Kanopy Streaming Service platform. Playlists of video clips and/or complete documentary films may be created and incorporated into course management systems such as Blackboard, online lesson plans, or embedded within LibGuides. Subject coverage is multidisciplinary and includes the arts and humanities, education, mass media, communication, business and professional training, science, health, and much more.
A merger of the American Music Center and Meet the Composer. Their Online Library contains works by more than 6,000 composers with over 14,000 media samples (recordings and scores).