Becket on Film (DVD)
Media and Microforms
PR 6003 .E282 A6 2001
Welcome to the Theatre Subject Guide
Subject Headings (scope notes):
Theater - (works on drama acted on the stage)
Theater--England (United States, France, etc.)
Theater--Production and direction - (works on the production and direction of theatrical performances)
Theaters - (works on facilities used to stage drama)
Theaters--Stage setting and scenery
Drama - (works on drama as a literary form)
Plays - (see Drama)
Dramatists - (use for playwrights)
Beckett, Samuel, 1906 - 1989
Hugo, Victor, 1802 - 1885
Ibsen, Henrik, 1828 - 1906
Marlowe, Christopher, 1564 - 1593
Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616
Wilde, Oscar, 1854 - 1900
Williams, Tennessee, 1911 - 1983
Booth, Edwin, 1833 - 1893
Bernhardt, Sarah, 1844 - 1923
Forrest, Edwin, 1806 - 1872
David, 1717 - 1779
Kean, Edmund, 1787 - 1833
Lillie, 1853 - 1929
Macklin, Charles, 1697? - 1797
MacReady, William Charles, 1793 - 1873
Marlowe, Julia 1865 - 1950
Terry, Ellen, 1847 - 1928
Costume - (works on clothing treated as an artistic object, as well as works on clothing created for the stage, screen or special events)
Theatrical Makeup
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |