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ORCID- Open Research Contributer iD

Create Your ORCID

What is an ORCID?

ORCID aims to prevent name confusion in digital collections of publications or databases. ORCIDs assign unique and persistent identifiers and manage records of researchers and their research activities including scholarly works, affiliations, and funding.

Easy Steps to Create Your ORCID

1. Sign up on ORCID's website


2. Add your information

Once you've created an ORCID iD, it's easy to add your scholarly works to your ORCID record, enable automatic updates, and delegate management of your record to someone else.


3. Use your ORCID

Include your ORCID identifier on your webpage, when you submit publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work.



  • An open, non-profit, community-based effort to create and maintain a registry of unique research identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers
  • ORCID provides a standard unique author identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized
  • ORCID Registry aims to prevent authorship confusion
  • Some publishers will require an ORCID ID in the ScienCV platform, for linking researchers, their grants and their scientific output

Not Just Another Identifier System

  • ORCID iD has emerged as the standard researcher identification infrastructure since it is publisher-neutral.
  • All major scholarly publishers support ORCIDs – many require them.
  • ORCID now integrated into all major manuscript management systems.
  • CrossRef_ORCID integration provides ability to automatically add/update author records on publication.
  • Most major funders either support or require ORCID, such as NIH.
  • Many universities are integrating ORCID into their processes and systems. UTEP Integration is under development

Use Your ORCID

Use Your ORCID

  • Use your ORCID when prompted in processes such as manuscript submission and grant proposals and reporting (e.g. eRA Commons).
  • Link your ORCID to (or include it in your profile for) other services, including ResearcherIDfigshare, and your professional organizations.
  • Include your ORCID on conference posters (generate a QR code, if you like, right from your ORCID record page), to direct people to your works.
  • Consider including your ORCID on your webpage, in social media accounts, and in your email signature.

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