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Culturally Responsive Environmental Health Curriculum (CREHC) – Healthy , Happy El Paso!: Home / Página principal

Funded by the Environmental Health Information Partnership through the National Library of Medicine & Oak Ridge Associated Universities



Goal: Develop a comprehensive, culturally sensitive, creative, empowering environmental health curriculum tailored for middle high, high school students, and community health workers without extensive subject matter expertise. This STEAM curriculum framework aims to be comprehensive yet adaptable, ensuring it meets the diverse needs of our targeted audience. It focuses on building foundational knowledge, practical skills, and community engagement capabilities.


  1. A comprehensive, culturally sensitive environmental health curriculum will be developed in collaboration with educational experts, community leaders, and health professionals.
  2. Train community health workers and teachers to deliver the curriculum.
  3. Implement the curriculum in local community students. 
  4. Increase community access to NLM and NIH/HHS resources.

500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672
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