UTEP LIbrary, Access Services Desk
(915) 747-5672 or (915) 747-5674.
(915) 747-5643 or (915) 747-5638
UTEP Police Department (24/7)
(Emergency and Non-emergency calls)
(915) 747-5611
(There's only 2 Wi-Fi options: 1. UTEPGuest: WiFi network was deployed to meet the most basic Internet needs and to be used by visitors to the UTEP campus; and 2. UTEPSecure, for students / faculty / staff. )
Welcome. Use the tabbed pages to find available resources for your selected topics.
To access electronic resources outside the library you will need to authenticate your status as a UTEP student.
There are two options for remote access:
Op-Docs is the NYT editorial department’s section for short, opinionated documentaries, produced by independent filmmakers and artists with wide creative latitude. Submissions are welcome.
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |