Welcome to the research guide for MUSL 5211: Classical Music in America. Please see the links in the left column for other research guides or other useful sites. Please use the tabs in the top menu to access information about books, databases, and other resources that can help you in your research. Contact one of the librarians in the right column if you need help - we're pleased to assist you.
Books: Use the Library catalog. Use multiple search terms in various combinations to find the most material. A specific term (such as: El Paso music) will yield specific results. A broader search (such as: music Texas) will yield a wider range of materials that may contain sections on narrower topics.
Articles: Use the Library databases to find journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, encyclopedia articles, newspaper articles, and other materials. See the list of key databases under the Music Articles and Databases tab.
Primary Sources: Use the Library catalog and databases to begin your search for primary sources. You may combine your search terms with such words as sources, manuscripts, papers, correspondence, and so on. Visit the Special Collections Dept. on the Library's sixth floor for help in finding materials that are not in the Library catalog.
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |