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Unexpected Library Tools for Teaching and Research

Library Instruction

Library instruction sessions are a collaboration between you and a subject librarian. These sessions can be tailored to your students’ needs. The subject librarian will usually introduce your students to library resource such as databases, citations tools. Students are also introduced to research skills such as identifying search terms for advanced database searching and evaluating resources

Professors typically note that they do see an improvement in their students’ research quality in their sources and in their writing. If you're interested in scheduling a library instruction session for your classes, please use the request for below. In addition to library instruction, this form also gives you options to request new resources or putting material on reserve for your students to use.  


In addition to face-to-face library instruction, librarians can also provide tailored library research guides to your classes with tutorials and links to various library resources. These are usually introduced at the face-to-face library instruction sessions and are made available to students throughout the semester and beyond. Please see examples of some of our LibGuides below.

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