To create a bibliography from a specific folder or from your entire RefWork account:
- Click on Create Bibliography
- Select citation style format (APA, MLA, AMA, etc.)
- Click on Format a Bibliography from a List of References
- Select what file type to create (HTML, Word etc.)
- Select to format all of the references or those refereces from My List or from a specific folder
- Click on Create Bibliography
- Look on the right bottom of screen to open your blibliography
- Save your bibliography to your computer or flash drive
Note: When generating a Reference List from the Bibliography area, the final output is sorted based on the output style you have chosen. If the output style is based on the order cited in a document, since there is no document, it defaults to alphabetical by first author.
Email it: After the bibliography is created you may also email the list. The email address in your RefWorks account is automatically entered, but you can overwrite it with another address. Only one email address can be entered.