Tuesday, 10/23/18 | Increasing and Monitoring Scholarly Impact | Library 204B | 2pm-3pm
Learn about strategies and tips for promoting your scholarly output, and the best ways to monitor and increase your citations and visibility. You’ll also learn how to: understand popular journal metrics, use certain scholarly networking tools, choose reputable open access journals and publishing options, and participate in open access article funding opportunities.
Unique journal evaluation tool that provides statistical information based on citation data drawn from a wide range of international scholarly and technical journals tracked in Web of Science. Subject coverage includes virtually all subdisciplines in the areas of science, technology, and the social sciences. Statistical data provided includes impact factor (relative importance to others in the same field), immediacy (citation frequency), article counts, cited half-life (benchmarking by age of cited articles), and source data (review articles versus original research articles).
[According to data from Gavel, Y., & Iselid, L. (2008). Web of Science and Scopus: A journal title overlap study. Online Information Review, 32(1), 8–21. doi: 10.1108/14684520810865958]
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |