Students in our digital world must be aware of legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of information, as well as safety and security issues involved in the use of digital resources.
Adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting appropriate behavior in a digital environment. (Tech Apps, K.5A, 1.5A, 2.5A)
Comply with acceptable digital safety rules, fair use guidelines, and copyright laws (Tech Apps, K.5B, 1.5B, 2.5B)
Practice the responsible use of digital information regarding intellectual property, including software, text, images, audio, and video (Tech Apps, K.5C, 1.5C, 2.5C)
Explores and understands safety, legal, cultural, and societal issues relating to the use of technology and information. (Tech Apps, Digital Citizenship, 5)
Discuss intellectual property, privacy, sharing of information, copyright laws, and software licensing agreements. (Tech Apps, Digital Citizenship, 5A)
Use digital technology to work collaboratively toward his or her own learning and the learning of others. (Tech Apps, Communication & Collaboration, 2)
Analyze and implement the proper and acceptable use of digital/virtual communications technologies such as instant messaging (IM), chat, email, and social networking. (Tech Apps, Communication & Collaboration, 2)
Practice safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using digital tools and resources. (Tech Apps, Digital Citizenship, 5)
Adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting appropriate behavior in a digital environment. (Tech Apps, 3.5A, 4.5A, 5.5A)
Practice the responsible use of digital information regarding intellectual property, including software, text, images, audio, and video. (Tech Apps, K.5C, 1.5C, 2.5C)
Respect the intellectual property of others. (Tech Apps, 3.5B, 4.5B, 5.5B)
Abide by copyright law and the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Media. (Tech Apps, 3.5C, 4.5C, 5.5C)
Protect and honor the individual privacy of oneself and others (Tech Apps, 3.5D, 4.5D, 5.5D)
Follow the rules of digital etiquette. (Tech Apps, 3.5E, 4.5E, 5.5E)
Practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. (Tech Apps, 3.5F, 4.5F, 5.5F)
Comply with fair use guidelines and digital safety rules. (Tech Apps, 3.5G, 4.5G, 5.5G)
Understands many of the ethical, legal, and socio-economic issues surrounding information and information technology. (5.1)
Identifies and discusses issues related to privacy and security in both the print and electronic environments. (5.1a)
Identifies and discusses issues related to free vs. fee-based access to information. (5.1b)
Identifies and discusses issues related to censorship and freedom of speech. (5.1c)
Demonstrates an understanding of intellectual property, copyright, and fair use of copyrighted material. (5.1d)
Follows laws, regulations, institutional policies, and etiquette related to the access and use of information resources. (5.2)
Practice safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using technology tools and resources. (MS Tech Apps, Digital Citizenship, 5)
Understand and practice copyright principles, including current laws, fair use guidelines, creative commons, open source, and public domain. (Tech Apps, 6.5A, 7.5A, 8.5A)
Practice safe and appropriate online behavior, personal security guidelines, digital identity, digital etiquette, and acceptable use of technology. (Tech Apps, 6.5C, 7.5C, 8.5C)
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