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Information Literacy: TEKS to ACRL: Differentiates Primary and Secondary Sources

Relates Texas Expectations of Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) to Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) information literacy standards

Goal 6: Summary: Differentiates Between Primary and Secondary Sources

Even at the college level, some students are still confused about what constitutes a primary source. It's not uncommon for students to interpret "primary" as "most important". They should learn the correct meaning in elementary school.

TEKS: Kindergarten - Grade 2

Identify several sources of information about a given period or event such as reference materials, biographies, newspapers, and electronic sources. (Soc. St., 2.3A)

Describe various evidence of the same time period using primary sources such as photographs, journals, and interviews. (Soc. St., 2.3B)

TEKS: High School

Paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all research information according to a standard format (e.g. author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources. (English, 3.21C, 4.21C)

Locate authoritative information from primary and secondary sources such as field experts, online full-text databases, or current news databases. (Tech Apps, 5A)

Exercise: Middle School

TEKS: Grades 3 -5

Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as computer software, interviews, biographies, oral, print, and visual material, documents, and artifacts to acquire information about the United States and Texas. (Soc. St., 4.21A, 5.24A)

Differentiate between primary and secondary sources. (Research, 5.24B)

ACRL Standards

Differentiates between primary and secondary sources, recognizing how their use and importance vary with each discipline. (1.2e)

Exercise: High School

TEKS: Middle School

Determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information gathered. (23)

Differentiate between primary and secondary sources. (23B)

Exercise: Elementary School

Exercise: College

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