Market Share Reporter is a compilation of market share reports from periodical literature and is a unique resource for competitive analysis, diversification planning, marketing research, and other forms of economic and policy analysis. Market Share Reporter includes more than 3,600 new entries, which are arranged under both SIC and NAICS codes, corporate, brand, product, service, and commodity market shares, coverage of private and public sector activities, and comprehensive indexes, including products, companies, brands, places, sources, NAICS, ISIC, Harmonized and SIC codes. AVAILABLE ONLY IN PRINT AT REFERENCE HF5410 .M35 2017
IBISWorld - Provides reports for 700+ U.S. industries as categorized by NAICS. Check the "Key Competitors" section for market share information.
Mergent Online - A database of 15,000 U.S. public companies (active and inactive) and 20,000 non-U.S. public companies (active and inactive). The D&B 20 Million Plus Private Company database is also included. Look up a company and click on the [Competitors] tab to view the company in a ranked list of its competitors.
The S&P Industry Surveys provide a variety of statistical data for industries, often including graphs or charts giving market share. ONLY IN PRINT AT REFERENCE DESK.
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