Our subscription covers US and international public companies (checked by default) as well as private companies (you need to check the box).
In the search box, enter the company name or ticker symbol.
Click on the appropriate company when the list of companies with that name appears.
Click on the different tabs and links under each tab to get more information.
Under Company Financials, you can use the drop down menu to control what is being displayed. You can display quarterly or annual data, all sections of financial statements including balance sheet, income statement, retained earnings, and cash flow. You can also display 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 or all available years which in many cases can go back 35 years. You can then export that information to an Excel worksheet.
Under Company Financials, you can link to Ratios to view different types of company ratios. To find out what the ratio means and how it is calculated click on the question mark to the left of the ratio name. To find out exactly what numbers were used to calculate a particular statistic for a particular time period click on the arrow next to the number.
Under Reports, you can find Annual Reports/10K and customizable Mergent Reports (company profile information in one document)
Under Filings, you can find the SEC filings. You can link to Click here for Edgar Search to access the database to retrieve different filings.
Under Competitors, you can do a side-by-side financial comparison between your company and its top competitors. In the example below, a list of Microsoft competitors in the US is automatically generated by the database. You can add additional companies, or X out the ones you don't want in your comparison. Some of the popular metrics like revenues, EBITA, etc., are also listed:
Another way to do side-by-side comparison is to click on the Report Builder tab. You can compare your company with various types of competitors (top 10, top 50, all, etc.) in the primary industry (NAIC: North America Industry Classification), only in the target country (US in this example), or the entire world. You can also create custom reports specifying the information you want and export the data to Excel.
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |