Mergent Online provides comprehensive coverage for U.S. public companies and includes their SEC filings with valuable financial information. Some private and International company coverage is also included. Detailed company information includes corporate histories, annual reports, financial statements, property, joint ventures, subsidiaries, competitors, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, executives, long-term debt, capital stock, ratios, and bond ratings. Also includes news headlines and country statistical profiles.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO) provides full text for top scholarly peer-reviewed journals and other sources, including the Harvard Business Review. It also includes company reports from MarketLine Reports. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. It includes company reports, SWOT analysis, Industry overviews and profiles, product reviews, country reports, market research reports, and case studies.
Nexis Uni provides full text access to numerous national and international newspapers; business and financial information on US and international companies; company directories, accounting, auditing and tax materials. It also includes federal, state and international legal materials, television and radio transcripts, and more.
The Wall Street Journal (1984-Present) (ProQuest) provides full-text for articles from the Eastern edition of The Wall Street Journal. Primary subject coverage focuses on business and finance topics pertaining to companies, people, products, and geographic areas.
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