Not all of the databases the library subscribes to have full-text access to everything.
Do not limit your search to full-text only.
When you encounter a result you need but the full text is not available in that database, there is still another step you can take to find the article.
With Article in Hand
In this search we find an article whose full text is not available on Academic Search Complete.
Note the lack of a "PDF Full-Text" link.
Web Bridge
This tells us in which of the other databases the library subscribes to we can find the article.
Click on the name of the database-- in this case, Science Direct.
And we are taken directly to the article.
*Please note that not all databases take you directly to the article, some will take you only to the journal or just to the databases's homepage, so be sure to keep the article information handy.
Interlibrary Loan
The UTEP Library cannot possibly subscribe to every journal and/or database so there are things that we simply do not have.