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UNIV 1301:Defining Literature through Graphic Novels

Finding articles

Use the databases to find citations, abstracts and full text articles.  If the full text is not linked in the database you are using, write down the blibliographic information and search for the title of the periodical in E-Journals or the Library Catalog

Searching Tips

Remember these search tips when using databases

Quotation marks = search for phrases (two or more words): "comic book writers"

Wildcard* = search for variations of the term: litera* will give you results for literature, literacy, literary

OR = more. Combine synonyms or similar terms to increase the number of results: (graphic novels) OR (comic books)

AND = narrow your results. Combine different concepts to narrow your search: (graphic novels) AND (literature)

NOT = excludes terms from your search: (graphic novels) NOT (Manga)

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