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RED 5300

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Finding Articles

You can't just throw your thesis into a database-they cannot parse whole sentences properly.

If you want to know if family income affects children's school attendance in the southwestern United States, you need to break that up.

Look at your results, what terms are popping up?  You might not have phrased it like that, but maybe that is what it is called in the literature.

If there's a thesaurus tool available, use it! PsycINFO's thesaurus tool is invaluable! Also be sure to look at an article's subject terms or author supplied keywords. 



"home school" in a search box with air quote stating, "Quotation marks ensure that these words appear in this order; useful for phrases" and home school* in a different search box stating, "An asterisk allows for multiple word endings; schools, schooling, etc."

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