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Introduction to Metadata

A brief introduction into the concept of metadata, its importance, and variations by discipline.

Metadata in different disciplines

Metadata can take different forms depending on the type of discipline, which determines what is to be collected and analyzed and for what purpose. The purpose of research in the medical field will be different from that in political science. 

In business administration, the type of metadata created, collected, and analyzed is based on records, financial reports, spending, or production. The analysis of these datasets and a structured metadata system allows for an efficient retrieval process that leads to innovations and assists with decision-making within an organization. (Source)

Example of business metadata

Image Source: Business Metadata


In the sciences, including health sciences, metadata is generated during experiments and observations.


This information is accompanied by supplementary information, or metadata, incorporating the time and place of experiments and who/what ran the experiment. The structure provides explanations of datasets and results. In astronomy, an example of metadata would include information on a satellite image of the moons of Neptune; the metadata would include the date, time, position, satellite information, owner of the image etc. 


Above is an example of astronomy metadata. Source Ch. 12 Metadata and Provenance Management. Fig. 12.2 



1. Deelman, Ewa & Berriman, Bruce & Chervenak, Ann & Corcho, Oscar & Groth, Paul & Moreau, Luc. (2010). Metadata and Provenance Management. Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Technology, and Deployment. 10.1201/9781420069815-c12. 

2. Learndmdwbi. (2015). Business Metadata. [Website].

3. 10 reasons why metadata is important for businesses,locate%20and%20retrieve%20when%20needed.

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