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This guide is designed to help you access articles from accounting professional (or practitioners) journals.

Key Business Databases

Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

Provides access to full-text business journals and hundreds of scholarly, peer-reviewed journals covering all aspects of business, accounting, marketing, management, economics, finance, international business and more. Additional full-text, non-journal content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, and more. May be searched individually or in combination with other EBSCO databases


Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and complete full-text for Elsevier publications. Some items link to full-text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to full-text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes business, biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, environmental science, materials science, computer science, medicine, psychology, the social sciences, and physics. Coverage and updates vary by title and include complete back-files for seleted subject collections; the bulk of the front-file coverage ranges from 1995 - present.

Wiley Online Library 

Provides full-text online access to the publications of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and related imprints. Subject coverage includes business, accounting, economics, finance, chemistry, earth and environmental science, education, engineering, humanities, social science, information science and computing, law and criminology, life science, medicine, mathematics and statistics, health science, veterinary medicine, physics and astronomy, polymers and materials science, psychology, and more. Access to full-text is based on UTEP's institutional and shared subscriptions with the University of Texas System Consortium (UT System). Some citations link to full-text content from other providers. Coverage and updates vary by title.

SAGE Journals

Provides online, full-text access to journals published by SAGE Publishers.  Covers a broad range of academic disciplines: humanities, social sciences, materials science and engineering, health sciences, life and biomedical sciences. Access to full-text is based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage and updates vary by title. 


Provides online access to important scholarly journals and books in many different disciplines. For journals, JSTOR mainly serves an archival function, it contains recent issues for some titles, but for most titles the available issues are two years old or more. Can be searched by author, title, or keyword, with limits available for discipline, dates, language, type of publication, and publication title. No subject access is provided, so use other databases for subject searching.

Wall Street Journal   

Bibliographic database that provides indexing, abstracts, and complete full-text for articles from the Eastern edition of The Wall Street Journal. Primary subject coverage focuses on business and finance topics pertaining to companies, people, products, and geographic areas. Additional coverage is given to the arts, sports, and popular culture. Items indexed include top news stories, editorials, editorial cartoons, and letters to the editor. Coverage: 1984 - present (updated daily).

Nexis Uni 

Nexis Uni (formerly known as Lexis-Nexis Academic) has the full text of hundreds of newspapers from around the world, including the New York Times and Financial Times; legal materials; and company/business information. NOTE: Off-campus access to this database requires an active Campus VPN connection.

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