In the Library catalog or in databases, the more specific your search is, the better your results will be.
Combine terms with AND, OR, and NOT. Most databases provide several lines for your search with a menu for these terms. Often, if you don't specify an operator, the database assumes you want AND. For example, looking for information on rural schools in China, you could enter "rural schools" AND "China" NOT "universit*". The asterisk * is a wildcard accepted in many databases; it allows you to do one search for variations of a word, such as university and universities.
Use a variety of synonyms and related words to find the most information on your topic. Some databases include a thesaurus or list of subject terms; this can be useful in constructing an effective search.
Asian Studies is offered as an interdisciplinary minor at UTEP. Students may study a wide range of topics such as philosophy, geography, history, and economics. Please see the link at left for details on the Asian Studies Minor. Open the tabs above to get started with finding research materials on different topics.
Please contact the librarian for further assistance.
Check with your professor on which citation style is preferred in each class. Dr. Basu prefers Chicago. These guides give introductions to the various styles. The full manuals are at the Library Reference Desk and some are also online.
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