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Religion and the Law: Home

This guide supports a class on Religion and the Law, and may be useful for anyone researching this topic.

Welcome to Religion and the Law

Please use the tabs at the top to explore various aspects of this topic.  Some pages have multiple boxes, so be sure to scroll down on each page. For further information, see the general research guides on Religious Studies and Law.

Research and Bibliography Guides

Subjects and Keywords

In the Library catalog and databases, try a variety of subjects and keywords to find more materials.  If you're looking for a specific subject (abortion, gay marriage, etc.), you can add the terms "Law and legislation" or "Religious aspects" to narrow your search. Some common subject headings are

Church and state

Christianity [Islam, Buddhism, etc.] and justice

Christianity [Islam, Buddhism, etc.] and law

Freedom of religion

Religion and law

Religion in the workplace

Religious discrimination


Selecting a Research Topic

Begin the topic selection process by exploring many subjects and keywords in the Library catalog and databases.  This will give you a broader idea of the topics and the amount of information available on them.

When you have narrowed down your selection somewhat, find a good encyclopedia article on that topic in a scholarly subject encyclopedia.  Many good encyclopedias are found in Gale Virtual Reference Library (link below).  The encyclopedia article will give you a full overview of the topic as well as key dates, people, and issues.  This will help you narrow your topic further.  A bibliography may be included in the article, and this will help you begin your more specific research.


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Angela Lucero

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