IBISWorld - industry research database covering thousands of industries in the U.S. and other countries worldwide at the 5-digit NAICS code level. Search for industry market research reports and industry risk ratings. Searchable by both NAICS and SIC code numbers. Reports include industry performance, industry outlook, products and markets, competitive landscape, operating conditions, key statistics, and other key issues facing the industry .
Mergent Online - provides comprehensive current and historical financial statement data for US and international public companies and some private companies. Mergent Online also has reports on major industry sectors for four primary regions of the world.xtensive industry reports are also included.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO) - covers all aspects of business & industry with access to academic and research journals, company and industry reports, and other. Provides profiles on industries worldwide . MarketLine (Formerly Datamonitor) Industry Profiles are available. Each industry profile includes a market overview, market share, market size, leading companies in the industry and market forecasts.
Nexis Uni - provides industry overviews from Hoover's Industry Snapshots.
Value Line Investment Survey (VLIS) Online - Provides full-text online access to Value Line Investment Survey Plus publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options, and convertible securities. Includes the Standard Edition, the Small & Mid-Cap Edition, and the Standard Edition Historical Reports from 1997 - present.
Tip: Click on the name of each database in the navigation pane and work though the steps to find information on industries.