Industry classification codes allow you to identify, define and categorize industries. You can use them in many databases to find information by industry code.
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was adopted in 1997 to categorize industries. The NAICS system used six-digit codes at the most detailed industry level and it replaced the SIC system.
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is a four-digit classification system used to categorize business activities. The codes were developed in 1937 but were no longer updated after 1987. Although still used in some databases, the SIC classification system was replaced by the NAICS system of classification.
U.S. Census NAICS-SIC Concordance Tables. These tables are used to convert from NAICS to SIC, and SIC to NAICS.
Click on the name of each database in the navigation pane and work though the steps to find information on industries.