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Anthropology of Gender, Food and Culture: APA Style

Formatting Your Paper

There are an infinite number ways of formatting a paper, and there are still a large number of paper formal styles.  Most formatting styles handle citations within the text, endnotes/footnotes, and the works cited page.  Some of the most notable styles include APA, Chicago and MLA. 

For this class, you will only use APA style.

To test your knowledge of APA style, try the APA parts of the Citation Game.


APA is the style of the American Psychological Association. 

The APA tutorial from

APA Guide from the Owl at Purdue.

APA at Cornell University.

Citing Books

This is a tutorial from Golden Gate University's University Library explaing how to properly cite books using APA style.

In-Text Citation

This is a tutorial from Golden Gate University's University Library explaining how and when to use in-text citations in APA style.

Citing Articles

This is a tutorial from Golden Gate University's University Library explaining how to cite aticles in APA style.

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