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Criminology 3313: Databases

Dr. Curry

Finding Articles

Each week you will be asked to find empirical research articles about the topics assigned to the class that week. Please use the tutorials on the "Information Literacy tab" to orient yourselves to using the library's resources. Also be sure to see the Periodicals and Databases tabs to look through the library's resources. If you are looking for articles through our databases, you will probably want to limit your results to a "Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journal Articles" that should be there depending on the database your are searching. 


An empirical study is a scientifically done research article that is written by experts and scholars in the field and is then reviewed by other experts in the field before the article can be published. These types of articles are different from review articles and editorials. Read through the abstract of an article to determine whether it is empirical study or not. You can also add search terms such as "empirical study" or "empirical research" to your search to be sure you are getting the articles that you need. 

Find Articles

On this page you will find recommended databases relevant to criminal justice, social sciences, law, newspapers, video, and free access.  Use these databases to find articles and other research on your topic. For a complete list of databases available through the UTEP Library go to Databases.

Remote access to most of the Library’s subscription databases is available to current UTEP faculty, staff, and students only via the following methods: 1) Campus VPN (broadband access only) and 2) the Library’s Proxy Server (requires valid library patron record).

Video Databases

Criminal Justice Databases

For a complete list of Criminal Justice databases, click here.  The following are recommended as starting points for your research.

Social Sciences and Law Databases

Statistical Abstract

ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States Online Edition (ProQuest) provides access to a comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Updated monthly!

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