Off campus access to most of the Library’s subscription electronic databases and e-journals is available to current UTEP faculty, staff, and students only via the following methods:
Comprehensive bibliographic index for multidisciplinary literature. Formats indexed include books, newspapers, and magazines, as well as scholarly and peer-reviewed journals. Subject coverage includes social sciences, arts and humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, health sciences, multicultural studies, and many more. Most citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. This database is made possible by TexShare.
Bibliographic index for literature on alternative health care and wellness. Subject coverage includes complementary, alternative, holistic, and integrated approaches to wellness and health care. Materials indexed include peer-reviewed journals, reports, conference proceedings, association and consumer newsletters, pamphlets, booklets, original research, and book excerpts.
Bibliographic index for the professional literature of nursing, allied health, biomedicine, and healthcare derived from English-language and selected international source materials. Subject coverage includes management, behaviorial sciences, health sciences, librarianship, education, and consumer health.
Fully-integrated search interface designed to provide access to easily understandable consumer health information. Content ranges from mainstream health and wellness to complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Subject coverage includes aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs and alcohol, fitness, nutrition and dietetics, children's health, and more.
Produced in cooperation with the Don M. Gottfredson Library of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University Law Library and SAGE Publications, Inc., Criminal Justice Abstracts provides indexing and abstracts for international journal articles, books, governmental and nongovernmental reports, dissertations, and unpublished papers on criminology and related disciplines. Subject content includes crime trends, crime prevention and deterrence, juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, police, courts, punishment, and sentencing. Some citations include links to full text content, based on institutional subscriptions.
Bibliographic index for education literature derived from English language periodicals, books, and yearbooks. Subject coverage includes adult and continuing education, educational technology, government funding, higher education, instructional media, language arts, library and information science, literacy standards, parent-teacher relations, school administration, teacher education, vocational education, and much more.
ehp (Environmental Health Perspectives) Online is a full text, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the discussion of environmental effects on human health. It includes monthly sections regarding childrens health and environmental medicine, a toxicogenomics research section, and an annual review issue.
Comprehensive bibliographic index for national education literature, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, consisting of: Resources in Education, Current Index to Journals in Education, and full text ERIC Digest records. Materials indexed include books, journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, theses, dissertations, and conference proceedings. Subject coverage includes education, law, psychology, behavioral science, humanities, arts and literature, and the social sciences. This database is made possible by TexShare.
Comprehensive bibliographic index for literature relating to public health, safety, industrial hygiene, and human factors research. Subject areas range from aviation, aerospace, environmental, nuclear, and medical safety to occupational safety and ergonomics. Health and safety related aspects of pollution, waste disposal, radiation, pesticides, and epidemics are also included.
Bibliographic index for literature derived from general interest health and fitness magazines, medical and professional journals, medical reference books, newsletters, and pamphlets. Subject coverage includes physical fitness, pregnancy, medicine, nutrition, diseases, pediatrics, public health, psychology, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and more.
Comprehensive bibliographic index for consumer health information. Subject coverage includes AIDS, cancer, diabetes, cardiology, drugs and alcohol, aging, fitness, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, women's health, sports medicine, and more. Materials indexed include journals, consumer health periodicals, health-related pamphlets, health reference books, and Clinical Reference Systems reports.
Bibliographic index that focuses on many medical disciplines, but chiefly on nursing and allied health. Subject coverage includes mental health, pediatrics, psychiatry, community health, clinical nursing, nurse practitioners, diagnostics, ethics, and management. Materials indexed include journal articles from scholarly or peer-reviewed journals.
Bibliographic index for research literature pertaining to the study of immunology in both humans and animals. Subject coverage ranges from cancer and vaccine research to immune deficiencies and autoimmunity. Source literature includes journal articles, conference proceedings, books, reports, and monographs.
Provides access to full-text documents from a wide variety of news, business, legal, medical, and reference publications. Sources include: national, regional, and international newspapers; wire services; broadcast transcripts; non-English language sources; U.S. Federal and state case law; codes and regulations; legal news; law reviews; international legal information; Shepard's Citations for all U.S. Supreme Court cases back to 1789; business news journals; company financial information; and SEC filings and reports as well as industry and market news. Coverage and updates vary by title and document type. NOTE: Formerly known as LexisNexis Academic. See also: WestlawNext Campus Research.
Comprehensive index for international literature in biomedicine, bioengineering, and health. Includes those areas of the life, behavioral, and chemical sciences needed by health professionals and others engaged in basic research and clinical care, public health, health policy development, or related educational activities.
Comprehensive bibliographic index of the Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress (PILOTS) produced by the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (NCPTSD) and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Subject coverage includes all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, without disciplinary, linguistic or geographical limitations. Publications indexed include obscure as well as well-known journals, books, book chapters, pamphlets and technical reports
Comprehensive bibliographic index that provides citations, abstracts, and some full text for international literature in the field of psychology drawn from source materials such as journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports. Subject coverage includes the psychological aspects of related disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law.
Provides comprehensive coverage of international biomedical literature. Materials indexed include scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, and newsletters.
Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and complete full text for Elsevier publications. Some items link to full text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes biology, chemistry, business, mathematics, engineering, environmental science, materials science, computer science, medicine, psychology, the social sciences, and physics.
Bibliographic index for literature dealing with social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. Materials indexed include journal articles, dissertations, and book reviews. Citations include abstracts and some include links to full text articles, based on institutional subscriptions.
Bibliographic index for international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Source publications include book reviews, journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers.