Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Comprehensive bibliographic index for business literature worldwide, including management, marketing, management of information systems (MIS), production and operations management (POM), economics, finance, econometrics, accounting, international business, and other areas. Materials indexed include scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, books and book digests, newspapers, monographs, magazines, conference proceedings, case studies, reference works, industry reports, country economic reports, detailed company profiles and financial data, investment and market research reports, industry reports, SWOT analyses, and more. Most citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1886 - present (updated daily). NOTE: For an easier way to browse and search for country economic data, company profiles, industry information, and market research, try the Enhanced Business Searching Interface (BSI) (EBSCO).
Bibliographic index for international literature concerning economics published by the American Economic Association (AEA). Subject coverage is comprehensive, including categories such as: teaching; thought and methodology; mathematical and quantitative methods; microeconomics; macroeconomics; health, education, and welfare; labor and demographics; law; industry; business administration; development, change, and growth; agricultural and natural resources; and many more. Materials indexed include journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, book reviews, and abstracts of working papers in economics. Some citations include abstracts and links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1969 - present (monthly updates). NOTE: Access to this database is limited to one user at a time.
Provides complete full-text access to an archive of back issues of selected scholarly journals from the following subscribed collections: Arts & Sciences (I - XIII), Life Sciences, and Ireland. Subject coverage includes: African and African American Studies, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art and art history, Asian Studies, biology, botany, British Studies, business, classical studies, economics, education, film studies, finance, folklore, geography, health sciences, history, Ireland, Jewish Studies, language and literature, Latin American Studies, law, linguistics, mathematics, Middle East Studies, music, paleontology, performing arts, philosophy, political science, psychology, public administration, religion, science, Slavic Studies, sociology, Women's Studies, statistics and zoology. Other types of publications indexed include monographs, pamphlets, images, and manuscripts. Archival coverage varies by title, ranging from a journal's first volume/issue to 3-5 years from the present ("Moving Wall"). Some titles include links to more recent content available via selected providers. Updates vary. NOTE: UTEP's subscription access now includes current content for selected titles via the Current Scholarship Program (CSP).
Provides access to full-text documents from a wide variety of news, business, legal, medical, and reference publications. Sources include: national, regional, and international newspapers; wire services; broadcast transcripts; non-English language sources; U.S. Federal and state case law; codes and regulations; legal news; law reviews; international legal information; Shepard's Citations for all U.S. Supreme Court cases back to 1789; business news journals; company financial information; and SEC filings and reports as well as industry and market news. Coverage and updates vary by title and document type.
Wall Street Journal (1984 - Present) (ProQuest)
Bibliographic database that provides indexing, abstracts, and complete full text for articles from the Eastern edition of the Wall Street Journal. Primary subject coverage focuses on business and finance topics pertaining to companies, people, products, and geographic areas. Additional coverage is given to the arts, sports, and popular culture. Items indexed include top news stories, editorials, editorial cartoons, and letters to the editor. Coverage: 1984 - present (updated daily).
The Economist Intelligence Unit - country reports at
Euromoney - available online from 01/01/2001 to present in Nexis Uni.
Global Finance - available from 01/01/2000 to present in Business Source Complete.
International Finance - available from 1998 to present in Wiley Online Library.
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