World Development Indicators (free online) -- This is one of the most valuable datasets for economists and also used by many other social scientists. It includes world social, economic, and population statistics for almost every country. Statistics include balance of payments current account, external debt, investment climate, recent economic performance, and more. Includes an "Investment climate" section which is useful in determining how risky is your country.
The WORLD BANK organization oftern offers selected publications and statistics for free on its website.
IMF eLibrary (free online)
1945 - present. Updated several times a year. Statistical database from the International Monetary Fund. It offers selected publications and statistics for free.
Other accessible publications include Coordinated Direct Investment Survey, Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey, Financial Access Survey, Financial Soundness Indicators, and an International Reserves Template
The IMF offers a “Help” site at that has a lot of good information to help students.
NOTE: Their data portals work best with Google Chrome.
The Business Source Complete database includes country reports from major publishers. Type the name of the country as a keyword and limit your search using the "publication type" option and select "country report". Following are examples of some of the reports included:
Country Profile (annual) - Includes concise analysis and background information on the economic and political situation of more than 180 countries. Published by MarketLine.
Country Report (monthly) - Evaluates growth prospects, assesses opportunities and examines problems. Provides concise and lucid business-oriented analysis of the latest economic and political indicators of more than 180 countries. Published by PRS Group, Inc.
Country Monitor - Summarizes the key news items from EIU's other regional newsletters. Published by IHS Global Inc.
Emergin Markets Monitor - Published by Business Monitor International.
Business Forecast Report - Published by Business Monitor International.
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development):
OECD Economic Surveys. <country> in Business Source Complete
UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations is an organization that consists of 192 members, each one a separately governed region. Its stated goals include putting an end to war between nations; improving trade and communication between members; and providing relief, protection, and aid to citizens in need on a global scale. It accomplishes these through various resources such as peacekeeping forces, a world court, and international relief projects. The following publications are published by the United Nations and are available in print or online.
The BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS (BIS) is an international organization which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. Their annual report includes a section on the developments in the emerging market economies which includes information on balance of payments developments, recent economic developments, debt sustainability and fiscal adjustment, the challenges of curving inflation, and more. Click on "Research & publications".
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is the private sector arm of the World Bank Group. It’s mission is to promote private sector investment in developing countries. Click on “IFC Publications” or “Reference Desk”.
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