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Greece, Rome, and The American Experience (Hist 4325): Presentation Checklist

This guide supports Dr. Ronald J. Weber's junior-senior seminar on Roman Culture in American History.

Oral Presentation Checklist

Oral Presentation Checklist

Depending on the type of presentation you are giving, some of these may not apply or some may have a greater weight than others.


·         You have checked the equipment beforehand to make sure your material will work.
·         You are on time and ready to go.
·         You have rehearsed; for a team presentation, you have decided who will do what during the presentation

Title & thesis

·         Title describes the presentation accurately
·         Thesis statement is clear, logical, and included in the presentation


·         Brief outline or idea of structure is included
·         Structure is clear and logical: beginning, middle (arguments & examples), conclusion
·         Presentation follows the structure
·         Presenter engages the audience with some type of interaction


·         There is adequate information to support each argument
·         The information supports the overall thesis
·         The presenter has command of the information
·         The PowerPoint or other presentation tool is clear, attractive, appropriate


·         Sources are noted; bibliography in Chicago/Turabian style is included
·         Sources are reliable, scholarly, and appropriate
·         Presenter uses the sources effectively and can answer questions about them (he or she has actually read them!


·         Presenter has a professional appearance and attitude; dress is appropriate
·         Presenter speaks clearly and confidently, without verbal “noise” (uh … like … you know)
·         Presenter makes eye contact with the audience & doesn’t turn his or her back to the audience
·         Presenter is able to answer questions confidently

Subject Guide

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Angela Lucero

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