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Introduction to Theatre (THEA 1313): Criticism

What is Literary Criticism?

Literary Criticism is the analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of literary works. Literary Criticism usually takes the form of a long essay that is originally published in a scholarly journal.

Literature Criticism

Theme-Based Research

"...what a rogue and peasant slave am I!"

Provides full text online access to each of the 12 literature criticism book series published by Gale, including Shakespearean Literature Criticism (SLC).
Search Tip:  Use at least two or three search terms. By using more search terms to narrow your search, you can locate documents that better fit your information needs.  For example, don't simply search Hamlet; this search is too broad with too many results.  If you are searching for a particular theme in Hamlet, such as murder, revenge, marriage, madness or another, then include that term in your search.  In the following search, the asterisk (*) is used to include not only murder, but murderers, murderous, murdering, etc.
Search Tip:  If you have too many results, you can use the proximity operator N (next to). The N operator locates documents containing the words you specify within the number of words you specify, but the words can be in any order. For example, Hamlet N15 revenge finds documents that contain the word Hamlet and words containing revenge within 15 words of each other, regardless of their order.

Other Recommended Databases for Literary Analysis

Searching Thematic Topics

Search Tip:  Remember to use synonyms for your keyword(s) if you are having difficulty locating information.  For example, if tracing the theme of madness in Hamlet, consider similar terms.

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