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Faculty Resources and Services

Information on how the library resources can support faculty with curriculum, research and retention/tenure/promotion.

Request Instruction or Information Literacy Support for Your Classes

click here to request an information literacy session for your classes

About Information Literacy

Information literacy has become an increasingly important skill to master in the Information Age. In academia there is an emphasis on strengthening students' information literacy skills to adequately prepare them to deal with "information overload", and the constant changes of information format and retrieval methods in their disciplines.

Information literacy is more than retrieving information; it includes how information is organized, identifying the best sources for a given need, finding those sources, evaluating, and using information ethically. 

The UTEP Library believes that information literacy is a vital skill for our student population and takes an active role in providing information literacy sessions to equip UTEP students with skills to be competitive academics or professionals. Four panes demonstrate Information Literacy in action. Instrcution, Guides, 1 on 1 Meetings, and Tutorials are shown.

An Overview of UTEP Library Instruction Services

Research Guides

Personalize guides can be created to serve a number of purposes, but are commonly used to provide suggested resources for class themes, particular assignments, or links to class readings.

Breakthrough tutorials

Our online tutorials have been developed by our librarians to provide quick and simple guidance for students and faculty.

Embedded Librarians

An embedded librarian may be just what your online or hybrid course needs. Though they can be involved in your course in many ways, offering live instruction services and research assistance within your Blackboard course, or creating customized content for your class to use as needed are two popular tasks of embedded librarians.

Information literacy sessions

These sessions are offered by librarians throughout the academic year. Librarians can tailor one or more library instruction sessions to a class theme or assignment. Face-to-face sessions can be held one of the library's computer classrooms, in an on-campus computer classroom or lab, or at a remote (off-campus) classroom. Schedule an instruction session or contact the UTEP Library's Information Literacy team at

To request any of these services, contact the UTEP Library's Information Literacy team at to get started 

 Research Guides can be created to serve a number of purposes, but are commonly used to provide suggested resources for class themes, particular assignments, or links to class readings.

To request a tailored Research Guide, contact Harvey Castellano, at, or at 915-747-6734.


Librarians developed  a set of online tutorials (Breakthrough Tutorials) to provide guidance and practical strategies to increase information literacy.  The focus of the breakthrough tutorials is to offer quick  and simple guidance for students and faculty.  Breakthrough Tutorials are available at:

Librarians can be involved in your course in many ways, including offering live instruction services and research assistance within your Blackboard course, or creating customized content for your class to use as needed.

Example of embedded librarianship:

  • Course: Political Science 3361- International Security
  • Faculty: Dr. Chuck Boehmer
  • Librarians: Jacob Galindo and Angela Lucero
  • Librarians' role in course:
    • conduct 1 face-to-face introduction to research skills needed to complete semester project (a lesson tailored to the course's goals)
    • respond to questions posted by students in Blackboard
    • provide additional feedback and instruction in targeted meetings related to semester project with student groups throughout the semester
    • create and maintain a Research Guide for students to use to find resources on their project topics


To request that a librarian be embedded in your Blackboard course, contact Harvey Castellano, at, or at 915-747-6734.

 In-class library instruction has traditionally been at the core of the UTEP Library's Instruction and Information Literacy Services.  These “one-shot” classes are delivered by librarians in-person or using video conferencing tools for online classes. Teaching faculty or instructors initiate these classes with the goal of meeting the course-level learning competencies.

There are three Library Instruction and Information Literacy classrooms located on the second and third floors of the Library. Reservations for these rooms and instruction sessions, contact Jacob Galindo at

500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672
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