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Library Collection Development Procedures: Donations & Damaged Books

Policies, guidelines, and forms for subject specialists doing collection development

Donations Policy

How to Donate Resources to the Library


1. Contact the Gifts Coordinators, Hector Cardona (915) 747-5694, Please provide a list of the materials or a general statement of the type of material you wish to donate.

2. A subject specialist librarian will schedule an appointment to review the materials.

3. After the visit and review, the library will notify the donor whether the items are appropriate for the collection.

4. If the donor does not want the gift divided, the library may decide not to accept any of it.

5. The donor is responsible for transport of the gift to the library. The reviewing librarian may transport a small amount of materials. If other assistance is needed, contact the Gifts Coordinator. Approval for major transport must be obtained from the Associate Director for Technical Services (Nancy Hill, 747-6722)

6. An acknowledgement of the gift will be mailed to the donor and the materials added to the collection will contain a note acknowledging the donor.

7. If the library does not accept your donation, there are other places that will. The El Paso Public Library accepts books and magazines at its book stores or branch libraries. The El Paso Independent School District accepts magazines and other educational materials. Social services agencies also take books.

         a.  Bookmark (Friends of the El Paso Public Library), 7348 Remcon Circle, 833-2342

         b.  Friends of the Cielo Vista Library, 3025 McRae Blvd., 779-6916

         c.   Rescue Mission of El Paso, 1949 W. Paisano Dr., 532-2527

         d.  Goodwill Donations, 7015 Alameda Ave., 778-1858


Conditions of Acceptance


The Library accepts donations of books, journals, and electronic resources which enhance Library support of academic programs and/or add to our Special Collections (military, science fiction, western fiction, and Southwest materials) holdings. The library does not accept popular fiction paperback books or popular magazines. Hardcover copies of new fiction books will be considered. All the following criteria must be met:

1.  All materials must be reviewed and approved in advance of delivery. Contact the Gifts Coordinator to arrange review.

2.  Gifts are accepted with the understanding that upon receipt the University becomes the owner of the material and reserves the right to determine retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations relating to use or disposition. Duplicate copies are generally not accepted. If the library subscribes to an online journal, the paper copies will not be accepted.

3. Manuscript donations are subject to the rights/restrictions of the deed of gift.

4. Monetary appraisal of a gift is the responsibility of the donor. Donors may wish to discuss prospective gifts and appraisals with their attorneys, tax counsels, or the Development Office.  It is important to discuss the value of gifts in advance whenever tax considerations are a primary concern.

500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672
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